Category: Hanga | Create

Term 2 Inquiry Play – Planet Earthlings

Task Description : Kia ora This Terms Inquiry focus for Team 5 is How can I use Elements of Drama to express myself. This Term Team 5 has been doing plays. My group did Planet Earthlings. I was Alien 1, Elion was Alien 2, Alazye  was Alien 3 and the last one was Alien 4 which was Emmanuel . Ezekiel was in our group but he did not turn up to school so Tiare had to fill in and she was doing sound effects and Akaisha had to hold up the sign and our sign said High street. My Highlight was Reading the Script even tho we could not Memorize our Script but I Enjoyed working with my Group. Thank you hope you enjoy.

Matariki Reading Task.

Task distribution : Kia ora everyone this week my Reading group was learning about Matariki.  We had to do a task about Matariki and I learned about lots of things like Matariki could be translated as Mata riki  tiny Eyes or it could be Mata Ariki the eyes of God. And the most challenging thing was learning these Maori words and what they Mean. I think I could do better at reading the questions and understand the questions before answering.

Polyline House.

This week my class has been learning about Polyline if you have seen my other polyline post please leave a comment on that. This is Polyline number 2 and this is a house with a sun and clouds hope you like my blog post and comment witch one was your favorite . Thank you hope you liked my polyline house