Month: March 2022

Beach Recount

My time in the water recount 

WALT: recount a personal experience using correct sentence punctuation and sentences which make sense to the reader.

Task description: Today I had to wrtite a story about my time in the water. Below is the recount that I wrote

One day i went to this place colud munafie. First we packed, then my aunt came with the shopping.
Who came was my Mum, Papa, Sister , and uncle and aunty and Nana. We said my papa did a prayer then we went. On the way there we ate some snacks. Then we saw some cows,horses and pigs.When we got there we unpack all the stuff from the van. As soon as we got there we prayed again. After we prayed we ate more snacks and drinks. Then we played bingo,cards and lots of other games. We ate dinner then we prayed and went to sleep.Then the next day we went to the beach. Then I went to the park.

 One day i went to this place colud munafie. First we packed, then my aunt came with the shopping.

Who came was my Mum, Papa, Sister   , and uncle and aunty and Nana.  We said my papa did a prayer then we went. On the way there we ate some snacks. Then we saw some cows,horses and pigs.When we got there we unpack all the stuff from the van. As soon as we got there we prayed again. After we prayed we ate more snacks and drinks. Then we played bingo,cards and lots of other games.  We ate dinner then we prayed and went to sleep.Then the next day we went to the beach. Then  I went to the park