This week my maths group is learning about array.
- Author By pesariyanal
- Publication date February 20, 2025
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- No Comments on Array
This week my maths group is learning about array.
This weeks cybersmarts challenge is Looking after your devices.
Kia ora This is what y Litarcey class is doing for writing.
Kia ora I have created a Warning poster about a dangerous fish named Red Lionfish. In my Poster it shows a photo of the fish and at the bottom it has Safty tips and Warnings about the fish . I enjoyed doing this poster about the red lionfish and I would do it again but a different fish. Hope you enjoyed my Poster and Please leave a positive comment on my blog.
Alu a 🙂
Kia ora My name is Ariyana and this is my Inquiry about Sound. My panther for Inquiry was kura as you go through our presentation we only did 3 slide witch was about how DOSE OUR EAR work, What is sound and how do we hear. I really enjoyed working with kura it was really cool doing our slides because I liked the writing and our backround. Hope you enjoy my Inquiry about Sound and please leave a positive comment on my blog. Alu a 🙂
Malo e lelei this week my literacy class have been doing Movie reviews for writing.
I chose my favorite movie and why it was.
I hope you enjoyy Thank you and please a positive comment on my blog. 🙂
Malo e lelei this week my class has been learning about Revision.
I hope you enjoyed my Maths from this week and leave a positive comment on my
blog. Thank you